On June 15, the Centre de recherche sur la gouvernance (CERGO) will present the lunchtime webinar entitled Governing in times of war: Lessons from Ukraine.
- Mykhaïlo Cheremnykh, country manager (Ukraine), Cintana Education, American University Kyiv
- Mykola Durman, professor of Public Administration, Kherson National Technical University of Ukraine
- Katerina Sviderska, étudiante à la maîtrise en science politique, Université de Montréal
- Stéphane Roussel, professeur titulaire, École nationale d’administration publique
For over a year now, Ukrainians have had to daily overcome the unthinkable ordeal of Russian invasion. In addition to having to protect their own lives, property, and that of their loved ones, some also have to reorganize their professional lives and manage state affairs. How can one govern and administer in times of war? What is the present and future of the University in Ukraine? What future prospects are available for Ukrainian researchers? This webinar aims to explore these questions with three members of the diaspora who have unique trajectories.
Via Zoom
Free and open to all, mandatory registration via Eventbrite.
Presentations in English, with bilingual visual support in English and French.